Whether you’re looking to try a beginner-level class or gain unlimited access to our library, we’ve got options to flex with your unique practice goals.

Find your focus

Led Ashtanga Yoga with Adil

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, usually referred to simply as Ashtanga Yoga, is a sequence for postures (asanas) linked together by breath and movement.

To perform asana correctly in Ashtanga Yoga, one must incorporate the use of vinyasa and tristhana. Vinyasa means breathing and movement system. For each movement, there is one breath. One breath, one movement! In this way all asanas are assigned a certain number of breaths.

The purpose of Ashtanga is internal cleansing. Synchronizing breathing and movement in the asanas heats the blood, making it clean and thin so that it may circulate more freely. Improved blood circulation relieves joint pain and removes toxins and disease from the internal organs. The sweat generated from the heat of Ashtanga then carries the impurities out of the body.

With constant Ashtanga practice, the body becomes healthy, light and strong.


Move towards grace

Vinyasa with Di

This is an all levels Vinyasa class which links breath, movement, fundamentals of asana, and allows the practitioner to explore depth, intention, strength, and alignment of your practice.

Vinyasa is a technique used to connect every inhale and exhale into a movement. By doing this we can tap in internally to gain focus and precision within the practice. When we become so aware of the breath, a class can turn into an open eyed meditation which is very useful for “monkey mind” and overthinking.

Come explore the depths of yourself through mindful movement, pranayama and drishti.


Reset you Body and Mind

Yin Yoga with Lindsay

A yin yoga practice is a welcome addition to any yoga, fitness, or healthy lifestyle routine.

This slow, gentle form of yoga is the perfect complement to a hectic, fast-paced life or intense workouts. Yin yoga uses gentle, relaxing postures to alleviate tension, enhance breath awareness, and develop mindfulness.

Yin is a relaxed, passive style of yoga that involves holding poses, or asanas in Sanskrit, for longer durations and increasing your inner awareness. This includes paying attention to your breath, thoughts, and body sensations.

Yin yoga is very meditative in nature and taught in a calm and gentle way. Contrary to active and dynamic asana practices, yin is static, relaxing, and practiced closer to the ground. Yin yoga is contrary to powerful, stimulating yoga styles such as Ashtanga or Vinyasa, which are considered to be yang practices.

Find your midline

Open Flow with Niko

A challenging and innovative vinyasa flow class inspired by Niko’s own practice to foster focus and clarity.

Each class has its unique and creative flow rooted in intelligent vinyasa sequencing ending with a good core challenge.

Although this class introduces some more advanced postures, it is accessible to all levels.


Clear away the fog

Sound Bath with Elena 

The sound of a Tibetan singing bowl harmonizes everything it touches. During our sound bath you will be fully immersed in the vibrations of the bowls while laying down in Savasana pose.

The sound and vibrations of our antique singing bowls can help us shift our frequency to a more relaxed and meditative state of mind. Sound baths have been known to reduce stress, improve concentration, stimulate life force in the body, remove mental and emotional negativity and enhance creativity.

There is a difference between playing bowls and healing with sound. In healing work, we slowly and gently guide our clients into a trance state (an alpha/theta brain-wave state) where they experience higher states of consciousness and healing. Elena is using only high quality instruments and reiki energy to combine all the needed elements of placement, volume, pace, rhythm, patterning and intention.


Discover your inner Grace

Dharma Flow with Flor

Dharma Yoga is classic Hatha-Raja yoga. Classes are well balanced, beginning with a vinyasa then a hatha style of practice with standing balancing postures, and floor postures.

Classes start with a warm-up sequence called Shiva Namaskara (vinyasa in style). This is followed by a series of main poses held for longer periods of time and they are more hatha in style. In Dharma yoga, the breath is not cued and students are encouraged to allow the breath to be natural.  Dharma classes are notable for efforts by the teacher to fit in breathing exercises, guided deep relaxation, bit of concentration or meditation, and maybe even chanting.

Dharma yoga is based on the teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra. Sri Dharma Mittra is a humble yet humorous teacher and a true yoga master. He has been teaching yoga in New York City and internationally for over 50 years.

Compassion towards all beings is at the heart of Dharma Yoga. Dharma Yoga should move the practitioner closer to the goal of self-realization.

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